Showcase Content
What if there was a better way?
Fitness shouldn't suck.
...Our love couldn't last
We do it every day! ♫
We meet you where you are.
Ad Series
Food brings joy, and so does moving.
But what happens when sugar addiction takes over? |
Lauren Jenai gets an impromptu tattoo, embodying her values and the ethos of her new fitness company.
Lauren Jenai, founder of Manifest and Co-Founder of Crossfit, talks about the impossibility of achieving perfection overnight.
Early Manifest participant Jeffrey Connors talks about the impact Manifest has had on his life.
Exercise Videos and App Content
Comedy-forward exercise and informational videos built for the Manifest app.
Additional Freelance Work
Sam Pinkerton performing Strangers
at Cup & Bar in Portland, OR. |
Play-testing prototype for the OMSI Sound Stack, an experimental instrument by Plus & Greater Than, built by and Hammer & Hand.